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Why Would an Extraterrestrial Come Our Way?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 1:56 pm
by Roger
Why would ET visit Earth? Or rather, Why We Think ET Would Come Here?

There are many theories (I use the word loosely) out there, from the theoretically plausible to the bizarrely absurd that attempt to explain why extraterrestrials are visiting us.

The most popular explanation is that ET is essentially curious and their society has a different perception, or priority, than humankind when it comes to expending such immense resources for stellar exploration. That brings up another point -one I've belabored on over several years- and one that is important if we are to begin understanding certain aspects of other living intelligent creatures; how they perceive things and think of the universe, which leads to motivation. We automatically apply human standards of measure in theorizing why a extraterrestrial would do, or not do, something.

I believe we do this because it would otherwise be impossible to analyze alien actions and also we have no other measure to base it on. Such thinking might prove to be counter productive, however. Especially, when we dismiss other possibilities because they don't fit our way of thinking.

I digress, however.

Another theory is that ET requires a particular substance, element, or what have you, from the planet Earth. Why they might need this ranges from survival to plain greed. Honestly, I'm highly doubtful that earth is the sole planet that would have what ET needs. Unless, they need humans.

One more theory is that they are expansionists and are scouting Earth for an imminent invasion. I find this even more implausible than ET needing humans. Logistically, an invasion would be a nightmare, as certain energy requirements are still in effect, regardless how technologically advanced they are. A bunch of ships with a kabillionjon troops aboard would need a lot of food, among other things, to carry off such a course of action.

Naturally, I'm thinking like a human and applying standard measures to my counter points.

See what I mean?