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Why Use phpBB?

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 3:28 am
by Admin
Some of you have emailed me asking why I use phpBB when there are other very cool looking message boards with a bunch of nifty options.

Well, I'll tell you.

phpBB is a open source project that is literally the best board software available for the cost. And I've pretty much tried them all, including V Bulletin (which is a decently good software, that's is easy to use). However, early on (years and years ago) I really liked the customizability of phpBB. So after trying various forum software, I decided to return to phpBB. Lately, probably because I'm getting old(er), I don't have the interest or need to run every style, and every new software gadget that comes along, on the board.

I've tried getting others involved, and some people have come aboard for a short time, but their interest waned early on and eventually they went the way of the dodo bird. This last attempt at having another person and persons run the websites and its forums ended up much the same as previous attempts. Hence, my return.

So yeah, phpBB all the way!


WR Admin