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State of the Union

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:25 pm
by Roger
Now that we know who is going to be the president for the next four years, regardless of our thoughts on Donald Trump, we can get back to business, at least, for now.

I know that sounds cavalier, but the truth is, we don't know all the players yet. Until we do know, everything else that is said about Donald Trump and company is a bit presumptuous. Does this indicate that I favor this newest of Presidents? Not at all. But, without more information, information that is based on hard fact, not hyperbole, it is next to impossible to extrapolate or even guess, with any amount of accuracy, just how much of an impact Trump's actions and policies are going to have in how we, as a society, change.

if he surrounds himself with people of the same quality as himself, then we, as a nation, are going to have to rethink many things. Foremost among that thinking is just how far we'll go in allowing such antics as he used during his campaign, and then deciding on what to do about it. This is a nation of immigrants and it was created by those fleeing the tyranny of their homelands.

I'm not a proponent of open immigration, but I do think we need to be less critical of immigration, and continue in the same footsteps of that of our forefathers. I'm fully aware that it takes two tango, and most people are guilty of harboring some racial basis, but for this nation to be even stronger and greater than before, we must accept and even embrace the cultural and ethnic differences that exist amongst all Americans. That means that blacks have to stop living in the past, letting go of the hatred that the past inspires, And that whites have to stop treating blacks as red-headed step children, or on the other side of the spectrum, halt the giveaway programs that are supposed to enable blacks to integrate into American society. After all black people are not foreigners, but as American as any white person.

The same goes for any other non-white. If they were born here, they are American.

And, as Americans our goal should should be a common one, shared and striven for, as it has been in the past, and should be in the future. I realize that some people are fearful of losing our national identity as immigrants enter the United States, but I like to think we are stronger and better than that. On the opposite side of the coin, we undoubtedly will lose our national identity when hate becomes the only motivator, that is, aside from greed.

Just because one man used words of hate to incite people does not mean we should listen and follow through. As his right, he can speak his mind, whether it is exaggeration or opinion, we should not and cannot stop that right, and by the same token, nor should any president and his appointed people, even entertain such thoughts.

Remember, as a American, you have the right and duty to protect your rights and in doing so, you protect the rights of all Americans.