This Crazy and Weird World

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This Crazy and Weird World

Post by Roger »

Who knew that after the U.S. and its allies defeated nazism in 1945, that 73 years later there would be a resurgence of the same Nazi principles?

Who knew?

Worse, very few individuals actually realize that those same Nazi principles are now in effect. Yes, they are in effect, but what's surprising is that these facist principles are in effect in the United States of America!

What?! You don't believe that nazism is alive and well, and in control of the United States?

Well, lets take a look what it means to be a nazi...

According to Wikipedia:
Nazism is a form of fascism and showed that ideology's disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system, but also incorporated fervent antisemitism, scientific racism, and eugenics into its creed. Its extreme nationalism came from Pan-Germanism and the Völkisch movement prominent in the German nationalism of the time, and it was strongly influenced by the anti-Communist Freikorps paramilitary groups that emerged after Germany's defeat in World War I, from which came the party's "cult of violence" which was "at the heart of the movement."


As this is pretty serious stuff, we should at least check one other source, since the liberals might have hacked Wikipedia.

According to Britannica:
Nazism, also spelled Naziism, in full National Socialism, German Nationalsozialismus, totalitarian movement led by Adolf Hitler as head of the Nazi Party in Germany. In its intense nationalism, mass appeal, and dictatorial rule, Nazism shared many elements with Italian fascism. However, Nazism was far more extreme both in its ideas and in its practice. In almost every respect it was an anti-intellectual and atheoretical movement, emphasizing the will of the charismatic dictator as the sole source of inspiration of a people and a nation, as well as a vision of annihilation of all enemies of the Aryan Volk as the one and only goal of Nazi policy.


Now that we have that settled, perhaps you can see just exactly the path that Trump has us going down? I say "US" because until we do something to stop it, we are just as culpable as Trump. Now, you may be thinking, what we can we do we? We're helpless! Well, for the last 40 years the US givernment has imposed more and more draconian laws or modified/removed several individual rights. To make you think you are helpless.

However, we can change the D.C. landscape.

I'm not talking about open revolt, but of political revolt. We do need to think and act responsibly when electing out leadership, because Trump was elected by those who wanted to change the political landscape, and we know how that has turned out.

What's ocurring with illegal immigrants and their children, today, even as I type this, is similar to what Hitler did with the Jews, and other unwanteds. They were put in concentration camps! Ok, so the illegal immigrants are being held in detention centers, but that is just a matter of sementics. And before it's over with, Trump will begin arresting people that don't agree with him and his cronies, and probably call these dissidents enemy combatants. He's already alluded to that very thing.

Just saying...

What reality are you from?
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