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My Promise

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 2:45 pm
by Admin
I'm working diligently at building this site and since those who had this site previously were unable to follow through with their plans for it (which I really don't fault them for, their intentions were good, but circumstances beyond anyone's control prevented the group from moving forward), I want to change up many things, but I'm busier than I've ever been before; with life, with writing, with other things that are on my bucket list, yet, I remain committed to improving this website. Part of that improvement has to do with things behind the scenes, but know this, my personal belief is that the individual has the right to anonymity in their web travels, including this site. I can't do anything about the rest of the web, but here, on this site, I will strive to ensure that guests and members have that shield of privacy. There might come a time that I won't be able to cover the costs at which point I will ask for donations. But, that's a ways away. For now and foremost, I'm working to bring unique content, exclusive content, and unique guests to this site.

Thank you for your continued patience!

WR Admin