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Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 1:17 pm
by Admin
I invite anyone and everyone who has similar interests or has something to discuss, to join Weird-Reality. However, since we are a free and open society we don't moderate or police what people might say, we can only take action after the fact. Since I believe that people can interact in a respectful and considerate way, we expect that each person will do so. Hence, I don't believe in censorship of topics or expression. With this in mind, we, as in the website, forum, entity, and owner, representing Weird-Reality are also not responsible, not liable, or otherwise not to be held accountable for the content of posts published by our contributors on this forum, and definitely not, else where.

If a post is in bad taste but not criminal, I will most likely leave it alone. If a post is somehow criminal or violates U.S. law or international law in some fashion, then I will remove it and depending on the content of the post, notify the proper authorities.

So please be kind, be respectful, and be law-abiding.

Thank you.

WR Admin