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Other Things

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 8:19 pm
by Admin
I've been working on the website as well, not just this forum. Some years ago I had a vision, one that allowed intelligence officers to connect to some online outlet where they could tell their stories and whatever personal encounters they'd experienced during their service to their respective countries. Due to the changing US political environment, the alternating attitude toward foreign assets, and the variability of foreign governments, it became next to impossible to carry this vision out, however.

I still have my aim set on getting viable intelligence reports concerning these anomalous but very real events, where US intelligence was involved, either directly or indirectly. To forward that plan, I'm working on updating the entire website. One thing I'm doing now is adding a internet radio (again) but to not We'll also begin doing Podcasts which will be directly available from the website. Eventually, we'll even be doing live video interviews with various guests. My aim is to bring the best programming I can to the audience. It'll be a sometime before we get to that point, months or longer, so please bear with me a bit longer.

If anyone has a idea on how to bring this about more quickly, then please do post it!

WR Admin