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Dark Line in Sky

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 12:44 am
by Roger
My daughter and I were driving on Hwy 6, through Lexington, South Carolina, when we saw this...

Whatever this was occurred on Saturday, March 11, 2017 at about 8:47 AM.

What we saw were two jet aircraft, one on each side of a fairly straight dark line, which looked like a rupture because we could see through the dark line and actually view a couple of stars in the black of space- and the jets were roaring as they sped across the sky, chasing after whatever caused the "rupture" in the sky.

It was NOT a contrail shadow.

We didn't see what caused the dark line, but the fact that whatever it was marked its passage and the jets going after something, is obvious.

The images were taken with a phone camera with resolution set at 3 megapixel.